Everything you need in one place
Individual Player Stats
Get to know each player individually and how they're doing on your server
Custom Data Viewer
Select the statistics that are most important to you and view them on a variety of time periods
Realtime Server Status
Players complaining about lag? Do you need a better CPU? Not enough RAM?
Player Engagement Score
Know how engaged your players are with your server, how long, and how often they play
New & Returning Players
Find out how many players joined your server today and how many new players you got
Full Player List
Know your most active players, when they are online, where they are, and what they do
Everything you need to know
As of right now MCSS is completely for free. There are plans to monetize the service in the future, but right now all features are accessible at no cost.
All versions above 1.13. Support for versions below 1.13 is planned but currently not a priority.
MCSS can run on any CraftBukkit server, including Bukkit, Spigot, and Paper.
BungeeCord is currently not supported, but support is coming very soon.